The night I finally got to know the big leaders in INT

I heard so much about this man, the founder of the education system INT, that allows people around the world to get to freedom in terms of health, economy and happyness.
As a teacher I clearly understand that in order to improve it´s essencial to learn.
I´m deeply honored to meet this man, an eagle showing human kind the way and yet so humble. I was and will for the rest of my lift be greatful for this oportunity we have thanks to this man. A retreat organized in Sant Feliu de Guixols 16-18 june 2017

I wrote a poeltry in the past about this, at that time unaware it was eagles like this man and the Team of dreamers. I leave the text here for my Swedish brothers and sisters. Press here

This is where we are heading, the dreamers who refuse to give up and understand that now is the moment to follow the track back to happiness, light, love and tender truth.
To be in peace with oneself is so essential.
What made my life amazing was when I finally understood the threefoldness in myself. For so long I identified with my soul and couldn´t figure out how it was disconnected from my spirit.
Today I understand that born with Ego, God gave me the Soul to feel emotion to connect with reality and together with Ego sailing the ship on a Sea called life.
When I fully understood what Mandela and so many others proclaimed in the past. You are not afraid of your darkness, you are afraid of your light.. We ask how can I be special what is so different with me.
As Gods children we can everytime we want with a little effort connect with our Spirit which is Stable, lives in love and harmony. Sees peace as a bithright and forgivness as a common sense.
We are indeed three in one. Thank you Lord for this understanding.